Chance Financial Quarterly

In early 2023, I decided to create a quarterly newsletter that would attempt to cut through all the crap that economists, asset managers, financial advisors, and especialy the media try to tell you about the economy and the financial markets. In the absence of any brilliant ideas, I decided to name it the Chance Financial Quarterly. How is that for originality ?  If you have a beter idea, let me know.

The newsletter has two main sections:  Making Sense of Markets and the Economy as well as A Teaching Moment. The first section recaps and analyzes recent performance, while the second explains a financial or economic concept. It is typically 2-3 pages, single-spaced.

The target audience is laypeople, that is, non-specialists, though all are welcome to read it.


I have a mailing list and you can get on it by emailing me at

Here are the back issues:

    Volume 2, No. 1:  January 2024
     Volume 2, No. 2:  April 2024
     Volume 2, No.32:  July 2024


    Volume 1, No. 4:  October 2023
    Volume 1, No. 3:  July 2023
    Volume 1, No. 2:  April 2023
    Volume 1, No. 1:  January 2023


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Last updated:  July 11, 2024